
Information, Resources, Advocacy

Below are websites, Facebook pages or groups. Click here for Youtube channels or select my "Watch" page above.

Parent Facebook groups can provide a lot of information, tips, validation and solidarity, much needed at times when your child has a 'personality change' and no-one believes you! However, sometimes hearing others' distress and traumatic experiences can worsen your own distress, fear or sense of hopelessness. Please consider whether Parent Facebook groups are right for you at this time.

Web  Facebook  PANS Australia. PANS/PANDAS Parent Advocacy and Support Group

Facebook  Parent group for the above

Web  Facebook  PANDAS/PANS Australia and New Zealand Advocac and Support Inc.

Facebook  Parent group for the above.

Web  Facebook  ASPIRE (US). Extensive information, resources, advocacy for PANS/PANDAS.

Web  Facebook  PANDAS Network (US).

Web  Facebook  Molecular Labs (US). Molecular Labs. Autoimmunity testing for neuropsychiatric illness. Information about PANS.

Web  Facebook  PANDAS Physicians Network (PPN; US). Flowcharts, Diagnosis, Treatment, Seeing your first patient.

Facebook  PANS/ PANDAS Therapists Collective. International Facebook Group connecting therapists
working with PANS clients

Facebook  PANS/PANDAS Therapist Education Group. Facebook Group with info for therapists working with PANS clients

Facebook  The Autoimmune Brain. Facebook Group for the book by David S Younger, MD. A five step plan for treating chronic pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue and attention disorders.